This was to be the start of our cruising season with our annual Spring Dust Off. But, Mother-Nature had other ideas. She provided heavy rain and a windy bone chilling 38 degrees. Needless to say, the weather affected our event turnout ..."0" Studebakers & 6 attendees at the Ft. Meigs Museum. We added 2 more members at our lunch at nearby Bob Evans Restaurant. Thanks to our VP, Jim Pfleger, for setting this event up for us and to the hearty soles who showed up. Please watch the video, below.
The WLEC started off 2018 with a lunch & meeting at our favorite Asian Restaurant, the Ocean Garden Buffet in Toledo. It was nice to see everyone's smiling faces in this new year. During our meeting our Members were shown the final design of our T-Shirt (and Meet Logo) for the CZM in September in Archbold, Ohio. Please watch Steve’s video below.
17 WLEC Members gathered at the Harbor Inn & Ale in Monroe, adjacent to a nearby Lake Erie marina. This gathering was our annual Holiday Event. Attendees enjoyed the food and camaraderie prior to our meeting and chapter officer elections. After that, Jim Pfleger (Alias, Alex Trebeck) led us thru a game of Automotive Jeopardy. Many thanks to Vida & Tom Parker for setting up the day at the Harbor Inn & Ale.
22 Chapter Members attended the Fall Color Tour. Ed & Linda Costell did a super job of arranging our route and stops. We started the day with light showers at Cabela's in Dundee, drove to West Toledo's Secor Metropark, had a lunch & meeting at Sullivan's in Wauseon, then finished the tour at a restored Texaco Service Station in Delta, Ohio. Please enjoy the video as shown below.
14 of us met at the North42 Restaurant in MacRay Marina. A BIG Thank You to Scott & Lee Burgy for setting up our restaurant and Air Museum visits. We had our lunch & meeting in a large room with a great view of the marina. The food was excellent. Next, we followed the Burgys thru the Security Check at Selfridge ANG Base and onto our tour of the Air Museum. The volunteer staff there was very knowledgeable about all of the military items and aircraft at the museum. See video, below.
We held our annual Spring Dust-Off on Saturday the 8th at historic Willow Run Airport's Yankee Air Museum. We had a sunny, cool, dry morning for our arrival. 18 members and guests toured the YAM. Jim, our docent, did an outstanding job of explaining the local civilian & military displays in the museum. After our tour we held a short meeting and then cruised to the nearby Cracker Barrel Restaurant for lunch. Our CaptainVideo captured our YAM tour. See his video, below.